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Welcome families to 2015! I hope everyone had a relaxing and festive winter break with families and friends. It's hard to believe that we are going into the second half of the school year already! 


Report cards will be mailed home this week. If there are any questions regarding the report cards, please let me know and I am more than happy to answer and further discuss them. 


Reading: Grandpa's Corner Store

Vocabulary: arrangement, tingle, huddled, sharp, construction, aisles


Grammar: pronouns, open and closed syllables


Math: continuing Module 5

Monday: Working with 3-Digit Numbers to 1,000

Tuesday: Comparing 3-Digit Numbers

Wednesday: Ordering 3-Digit Numbers

Thursday: Making a Direction of a Turn


Spelling: open and closed syllables and review of long u

open, humid, until, person, cancel, fuel, begin, wagon, number, minus 


Upcoming Events:

January 8th-Popcorn Sale

January 15th-Birthday Party

January 27th-PTA Meeting at 4PM



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